Safety Services
Industrial Services
System Descriptions
Construction Services
Job Hazard Analysis
Worker Compliance
About Mr. Lighthill

Do you have problems with employees not following rules or orders?  Have a high employee turnover rate and a lot of unexplained problems?  If you do not quickly and consistently enforce all your rules and orders, you are going to have problems and these three can be associated with "compliance". 

"Consequences" of the employees actions are important.  If there is no enforcement or inconsistent enforcement, then employees will be willing to take a chance on doing it their way, not yours.  Now your employees are in control and you are at their mercy.  Now you are a "slot machine" and the employees will gamble on their actions, so the more you payout or be inconsistent or nonexistent with consequences, then the more they will pull your handle as this behavior becomes addictive.  

"Rewards" do not have to be in the form of money, but just remember that whatever you do reward, will be your employees emphasis.  Rewards must be timely and appropriate for the action. In other words, be quick and specific when rewarding.  I can remember when I was a power plant start-up technician getting ready to leave a project and the project manager came to me and thanked me for a great job.  The first thing that came to my mind was that he did not know what I had accomplished.  My mind changed when he started to go over specifically my accomplishments and how they were important to the overall start-up process.  I have asked others if they felt the same way when they were told good or great job and I have not been able to find someone who saw this differently.  The worst thing a manager or supervisor could say to an employee is that their reward is that they get to keep their job.  By doing this, the only thing keeping the employee at your company is their paycheck, so when they are able to find an equal or greater paycheck they will leave.      

"No Compliance" occurs when the consequence of the employees actions is late, inconsistently enforced, and the reward for the employee is negative.  A good example of this is an employee who consistently shows up late to work and there is no consequence to their actions.  The employee has already justified this in their mind as to them, there is no downside for their actions or no reward for showing up on time.   

"Forced Compliance"  occurs when the consequence of the employees actions are prompt and consistent, but the reward is negative.  This creates high stress levels as the employees feel there is always a hammer over their head with no real reward other than their paycheck.  This will keep your HR manager busy with hiring employees.  In this type of environment, the employees keep their heads low and will do just the bare minimum because they are afraid that anything else will bring attention to them and the hammer will be next.

"Compliant Employees" occur when consequences of the employees actions are prompt, consistent, and they can expect a reward for this behavior.  When employees know that positive behavior will be consistently and promptly rewarded and that negative behavior will be consistently and promptly corrected, they will be compliant consistently and comply promptly.  They do this because now they have justified in their minds that the upside of complying is overwhelmingly the right choice over noncompliance.